Author Archive | Kokolulu


Fish Oil Increases Appetite — Even in Cancer Patients

Kokolulu Cancer Support blog… Fish Oil Increases Appetite — Even in Cancer Patients By Dr. Mary Hardy Con­sump­tion of the essen­tial fatty acids from cold-water fish (com­monly called fish oil) pro­vides a wide range of health ben­e­fits. Dietary fish oil, either from fish itself or sup­ple­mented in cap­sules, is effec­tive in help­ing toman­age sys­temic inflam­ma­tion, afinal com­mon path­way […]

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Kokolulu Cancer Retreats Program

Kokolulu Cancer Support Blog! Have you, or a loved one, ever had cancer?  If so, you know that life after such a serious diagnosis is never again the same. Treatments are expensive, painful, and frightening. The emotional fallout from living with cancer is challenging, whether as patient, caretaker, family member or friend.  Because the medical […]

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You really can change your DNA

Kokolulu Cancer Support blog… Confirmed by science: You really can change your DNA – and here’s how by Carolanne Wright (NaturalNews) If you believe that you are at the mercy of your genetic code, great news, you’re not. According to the science of epigenetics (the study of how environmental factors outside of DNA influence changes […]

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Kokolulu Labyrinth

Chronic Disease and Stress

Kokolulu Cancer Support Blog… Chronic stress elevates our cortisol levels that can lead to serious disease or worsen existing disease in our bodies. Learning the tools to mitigate the effects of stress is crucial to healthy living. According to Brian D. Lawenda, M.D. Integrative Oncologist… Chronic stress causes adrenal exhaustion: The top 4 causes of […]

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