Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit public charity organization EIN (01-0954321) that provides holistic healing retreats, as well as education and charitable assistance to those affected by cancer.
We have helped make a huge impact on the lives of over 1700 participants.
What we do
Founded by Karin Cooke RN and Lew Whitney in 1999, Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats Inc. is non-profit organization providing education and charitable assistance to those affected by cancer and year round residential holistic healing retreats, research publications, and sharing tools that empower participants to take charge of their own healing journey. Read more..
What We Offer
Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats’ is a safe, healing, nurturing space located on a 7-acre organic farm overlooking the ocean on the healing island of Hawaii. KFCR offers an escape to a peaceful environment where emphasis is put on accessing a deeper healing, while nurturing body, mind and spirit through scientifically proven integrative techniques. Read more…
Helping You Heal
We empower our guests to take charge of their own healing journey, while offering a respite from medical appointments and the stress associated with the diagnosis and pressures from family, friends and work. We share tools such as exercise, nutrition, meditation, qigong, Hooooponpono, reiki, massage, guided imagery, laughter and other relaxation strategies. Read more..
Food As Medicine
An on-site organic farm provides the retreat participants with healthy food and medicinal herbs shown to boost the immune system and enhance the healing process. We teach our guests about growing and eating the foods that will enhance their lives and the healing process. Read more…
Lending A Hand
The majority of KFCR clients have been wiped out financially by their disease and need the resources that KFCR offers, so we fundraise year-round to provide scholarship-based retreats. We also offer internship programs to provide people from all over the world a chance to learn about organic farming and holistic healing while ensuring Kokolulu is able to run successfully on a small staff. Read more..